Monday, 16 November 2009

The UK Libertarian Party

LAConf09, Chris Mounsey: "The UK Libertarian Party" from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

I was upbeat if a little skeptical when I first heard about the LPUK (UK Libertarian Party). None of my libertarian friends in either LA's seemed to know who was behind it. A lot of libertarians eschew party politics altogether and see a political party as an anathema. However, I then met Max Andronuchek at a meeting and had seen a couple of his videos for LPUK on YouTube. He was involved - and is now South East Campaigns Director - and I became more interested.
In the past had some strong opinions which I voiced to whoever would listen in the importance in involving young people, particularly students at University. In fact some of my ideas - targeting students with posters and mugs were dismissed by some (Tim of the LA as I recall) as 'a bit studenty' whereas others (Jan Lester of the 'other LA) said 'its the students we need to reach'. The Libertarian Alliance had a policy of targeting the movers and shakers (link to follow) - convince the opinion-makers and they will convince the rest. I wasn't convinced and it must be pointed out it hasn't worked so far; Statism is getting worse day by day.

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