Saturday, 21 November 2009

Christians 'would rather vote BNP than Labour'

Reverend George Hargreaves, who leads the conservative Christian Party, said people were “sick” of “Labour’s anti-Christian, anti-free speech agenda and laws”.

Hand-ringing lefties of NuLabour only need to look in the mirror to discover why the BNP is picking up support. It's not just Christians. Nearly everyone I talk to outside the Public Sector enemy class hates this Government. I mean really hate. Despise. Loathe.

Remember Labour, you freedom-hating socialist parasites, when you point your finger at the BNP, three fingers are pointing back at YOU! Most people don't hate immigrants or asylum seekers and certainly not people from different races. They hate YOU. And the CON-servatives and LibDem riff-raff are not far behind.

When the vile Margaret Hodge was in charge at Islington 1982 to 1992 she orchestrated a cover-up of sexual abuse that had occurred in State care homes there. She waged a smear campaign against one of the victims of State sex-abuse Demetrious Panton who said"I've experienced, personally, politics of the gutter" Hodge was forced to apologise over the smear campaign when she was threatened with court action over secret letters she had written smearing Mr Panton.

Christians 'would rather vote BNP than Labour', pastor claims

Christians would rather vote for the British National Party than Labour because they are so disillusioned with the Government’s discrimination against them, a pastor has claimed.

Rev George Hargreaves said Christians would prefer to vote BNP than Labour in Barking
Rev George Hargreaves said Christians would prefer to vote BNP than Labour in Barking Photo: JOHN TAYLOR

Reverend George Hargreaves, who leads the conservative Christian Party, said people were “sick” of “Labour’s anti-Christian, anti-free speech agenda and laws”.

Rev Hargreaves said: “Christians in the past may have voted Labour, but [they] have silenced Christians and their anti-traditional family policies have created a vacuum which Nick Griffin can fill."

Earlier, this week, Mr Griffin, the BNP's leader, announced he was to stand against Margaret Hodge, the culture minister, in her constituency of Barking, in east London.

Mr Griffin claimed Labour had “let the borough down in a catastrophic way”.

Rev Hargreaves said Gordon Brown should stop Mrs Hodge from seeking re-election and let his party’s candidate, Paula Watson, stand against Mr Griffin, as she had the only chance of “stopping the racist”.

Mrs Hodge has a majority of 8,883. The BNP won its first two seats in the European Parliament last June.

Last September, Shirley Chaplin, 54, a Christian nurse, felt forced to leave her job for an administrative position at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, after her managers ordered her to remove her crucifix for health and safety reasons.

Rev Hargreaves is a former musician who wrote and produced the 1980s hit 'So Macho' for the singer Sinitta as well as the theme tune for the BBC television programme Pebble Mill At One.

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