Saturday, 21 November 2009

Christians 'would rather vote BNP than Labour'

Reverend George Hargreaves, who leads the conservative Christian Party, said people were “sick” of “Labour’s anti-Christian, anti-free speech agenda and laws”.

Hand-ringing lefties of NuLabour only need to look in the mirror to discover why the BNP is picking up support. It's not just Christians. Nearly everyone I talk to outside the Public Sector enemy class hates this Government. I mean really hate. Despise. Loathe.

Remember Labour, you freedom-hating socialist parasites, when you point your finger at the BNP, three fingers are pointing back at YOU! Most people don't hate immigrants or asylum seekers and certainly not people from different races. They hate YOU. And the CON-servatives and LibDem riff-raff are not far behind.

When the vile Margaret Hodge was in charge at Islington 1982 to 1992 she orchestrated a cover-up of sexual abuse that had occurred in State care homes there. She waged a smear campaign against one of the victims of State sex-abuse Demetrious Panton who said"I've experienced, personally, politics of the gutter" Hodge was forced to apologise over the smear campaign when she was threatened with court action over secret letters she had written smearing Mr Panton.

Christians 'would rather vote BNP than Labour', pastor claims

Christians would rather vote for the British National Party than Labour because they are so disillusioned with the Government’s discrimination against them, a pastor has claimed.

Rev George Hargreaves said Christians would prefer to vote BNP than Labour in Barking
Rev George Hargreaves said Christians would prefer to vote BNP than Labour in Barking Photo: JOHN TAYLOR

Reverend George Hargreaves, who leads the conservative Christian Party, said people were “sick” of “Labour’s anti-Christian, anti-free speech agenda and laws”.

Rev Hargreaves said: “Christians in the past may have voted Labour, but [they] have silenced Christians and their anti-traditional family policies have created a vacuum which Nick Griffin can fill."

Earlier, this week, Mr Griffin, the BNP's leader, announced he was to stand against Margaret Hodge, the culture minister, in her constituency of Barking, in east London.

Mr Griffin claimed Labour had “let the borough down in a catastrophic way”.

Rev Hargreaves said Gordon Brown should stop Mrs Hodge from seeking re-election and let his party’s candidate, Paula Watson, stand against Mr Griffin, as she had the only chance of “stopping the racist”.

Mrs Hodge has a majority of 8,883. The BNP won its first two seats in the European Parliament last June.

Last September, Shirley Chaplin, 54, a Christian nurse, felt forced to leave her job for an administrative position at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, after her managers ordered her to remove her crucifix for health and safety reasons.

Rev Hargreaves is a former musician who wrote and produced the 1980s hit 'So Macho' for the singer Sinitta as well as the theme tune for the BBC television programme Pebble Mill At One.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower'

Let's face facts: We always knew that once introduced Tasers would eventually become part of routine police use. Cattle prods for crowd control next...

Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower'

A police officer used a Taser stun gun to subdue a 10-year-old girl in her own home.

Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower'
A police officer using a Taser gun Photo: PA

The officer had been called to the girl's home in Ozark, Arkansas, by her mother because she was behaving in an unruly manner and refusing to take a shower.

In a report on the incident the officer, Dustin Bradshaw, said the mother gave him permission to use the Taser.

When he arrived, the girl was curled up on the floor, screaming, and resisting as her mother tried to get her in the shower before bed.

"Her mother told me to take her if I needed to," the officer wrote.

The child was "violently kicking and verbally combative" when he tried to take her into custody and she kicked him in the groin.

He then delivered "a very brief drive stun to her back," the report said.

The girl's father, Anthony Medlock, who is divorced from her mother, said the girl showed signs of emotional problems but did not deserve to be "treated like an animal".

He said: "Ten years old and they shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this.

"If you can't pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don't think you need to be an officer. She doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog. She's not a tiger." Local Mayor Vernon McDaniel said the FBI should investigate.

He said: "People here feel like that he made a mistake in using a Taser, and maybe he did, but we will not know until we get an impartial investigation." The local Police Chief Jim Noggle said no disciplinary action was taken against Bradshaw.

"We didn't use the Taser to punish the child, just to bring the child under control so she wouldn't hurt herself or somebody else," he said.

He said if the officer tried to forcefully put the girl in handcuffs, he could have accidentally broken her arm or leg.

Mr Noggle said the girl will face disorderly conduct charges as a juvenile.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Aid we give to the Third World is more harmful than helpful

Philip Stevens: Aid we give to the Third World is more harmful than helpful

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Despite record levels of foreign aid for health, almost no progress is being made in improving child mortality in the poorest parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

Many countries are going backwards. This is not surprising. The UN and British government – egged on by NGOs and activists – has bet the house on the daft idea that if western governments transfer enough money to governments in poor countries, health systems will magically improve and medicines will get to sick kids. As far as strategies go, this is a turkey.

Once it makes it to the recipient government, what happens to that money is anyone's guess. There is almost no data on how aid money makes its way through recipient health systems.

We do know, however, that much of it is lost to corruption – from ministers skimming off their share of grants, to local health workers charging patients for nominally "free" services. Then the Western consultants and NGOs need to take their cut.

When some aid money does make it to local clinics, World Bank research shows it is most often the educated, urban classes who benefits, rather than the rural poor for whom it is really intended. To cap it all, the influence of Western NGOs on donors has also meant that "fashionable" diseases such as HIV get the lion's share of funding, to the detriment of less high profile problems such as pneumonia, which kill many, many more.

In the short-term, donors could spend taxpayer's money more wisely by bypassing governments altogether, instead putting health services out to competitive tendering amongst the voluntary or private sectors. In the long term, we can't hope to improve child mortality by simply beefing up aid. There is no way western aid agencies can fund a clean water supply, health services and a decent daily meal for every child in Africa. Even if such a thing were logistically possible, such large inflows of hard foreign currency would wreak havoc on fragile local economies.

In the end, the only way to solve child mortality is by fostering economic growth.

The author is Senior Fellow at the International Policy Network. This is taken from the Independent's World Vision blog:

You can start your own Independent Minds blog at

Here is the evidence
[info]thomas78 wrote:
Wednesday, 18 November 2009 at 06:13 pm (UTC)
I would refer your readers to the book "Dead Aid" by Dambisa Moyo. She clearly outlines how aid creates negative incentives, breeds corruption and wipes out the fledgling entrepreneurs who would have previously gone on to become Africa's big employers.

It is refreshing to see more people waking up to the reality that Africa is not merely a playground for NGOs looking to make a name for themselves and take all the credit for what little improvements there have been.

Your readers can find out more about alternative solutions to aid at

The Left hates...

Bizarre Dave Spart-speak comment on
The problem with this type of model is that it assumes that globalization is good. What are the socio-cultural implications. It's pretty clear that these type of organizations advocate a new form of racial subordination by creating a savior complex for "Western" society. Leila is from LA she did not grow up in these communities nor will she ever be able to understand all the cultural nuances of "uplifting" them. When is Leila going to empower the individuals she employs to be able to do the work that she does? The true measure of success will be when these women no longer need Leila.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

John Stossel - Hallowed be thy name

John Stossel
  • November 17, 2009 03:46 PM EST by John Stossel

    Bogus Stimulus

    Kudos to the Washington Examiner. They’re keeping tabs on the Obama administration’s phony stimulus claims. They’ve set up an interactive map that documents instances of government exaggeration-- or lies --over how many jobs were “created or saved” by the $787 billion stimulus package.

    The Examiner has found that just over 10 percent of the jobs supposedly “created or saved” are bogus. I’m not surprised.

    Here’s the White House’s reaction, or explanation, or excuse making.

    Here are some particularly egregious examples from the Examiner:

    Sacramento Bee: The California State University system received $268.5 million in stimulus funds and claimed that the money allowed them to save over 26,000 jobs. But when pressed, the University officials admitted they weren't really going to lay off half their workforce, and that in fact, few or none of these jobs would have been lost without the stimulus. "This is not really a real number of people," a CSU spokesman said. "It's like a budget number."

    The New York Times: A $1,000 grant to purchase a single lawn mower [in Arkansas] was credited with saving 50 jobs.

    Tacoma News-Tribune: Of the 34,500 jobs allegedly saved or created by the stimulus in Washington State, 24,000 belong to state teachers already under contract to finish out the school year, whose jobs were never in jeopardy ….

    Atlanta Journal-Constitution: A joint venture [in Oklahoma] that received six military contracts counted the same 10 jobs six times.

    Chicago Tribune: [S]timulus funds were said to have saved the equivalent of 382 full-time teaching jobs -- 142 more than the [Dolton, Ill.] district actually has.

    Chicago Tribune: The city claimed to have saved the jobs of 473 teachers with its $4.7 million education stimulus grant. The [North Chicago] district employs only 290 teachers.

    Greenville News: "The Greenville Housing Authority ‘saved or created’ 118 jobs by use of federal stimulus money, according to the Obama administration. The agency only has 35 employees."

    Even if the jobs really were “saved or created”, that’s not real job creation. There is no new wealth created. All the stimulus did was shift resources to stimulus recipients, at a hidden cost. That money would have been spent or invested privately by other people if it hadn’t been taxed away. It’s Bastiat’s broken window fallacy in a nutshell.

Monday, 16 November 2009

The UK Libertarian Party

LAConf09, Chris Mounsey: "The UK Libertarian Party" from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

I was upbeat if a little skeptical when I first heard about the LPUK (UK Libertarian Party). None of my libertarian friends in either LA's seemed to know who was behind it. A lot of libertarians eschew party politics altogether and see a political party as an anathema. However, I then met Max Andronuchek at a meeting and had seen a couple of his videos for LPUK on YouTube. He was involved - and is now South East Campaigns Director - and I became more interested.
In the past had some strong opinions which I voiced to whoever would listen in the importance in involving young people, particularly students at University. In fact some of my ideas - targeting students with posters and mugs were dismissed by some (Tim of the LA as I recall) as 'a bit studenty' whereas others (Jan Lester of the 'other LA) said 'its the students we need to reach'. The Libertarian Alliance had a policy of targeting the movers and shakers (link to follow) - convince the opinion-makers and they will convince the rest. I wasn't convinced and it must be pointed out it hasn't worked so far; Statism is getting worse day by day.

Welcome to the Three Wise Beards blog

We three wise beards met for the first time at this year's Aulde Holborn's November 5th stroll.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Kevin Myers: Stalinists thought they had got away with the Big Lie

Kevin Myers: Stalinists thought they had got away with the Big Lie

By Kevin Myers

Thursday November 12 2009

Historians will wonder at it but the simple truth is that the Labour Party was, in effect, taken over by the relics of the Workers Party

Twenty years ago this week, the Berlin Wall fell, and shortly thereafter, communism collapsed across the subject countries of the Soviet empire. We now know this happened: but we did not know it was going to happen back then. Some days after the wall was demolished by capering youngsters, I was in Prague to report on events there. No one at that point realised what a hall of mirrors communism really was, a few commissars with their power magnified within the minds of the audience simply by the reflective power of the state. But then I saw the communist edifice collapse before my eyes: it was one of the most wonderful moments in my entire life.

A young Irish student there named O hEithir -- the son of the RTE broadcaster Brendan -- introduced me to some of his Czech friends. They knew nothing about Ireland, save the Workers Party, which they detested. "What are these people, the Irish Workers Party?" asked one, with the others listening in, and nodding in agreement. "Why do they come here, telling us we live in a socialist paradise? We live in poverty and humiliation, and they come here for a week, are shown the most touristic parts of imperial Prague by communist party hacks, they tell us how lucky we are, and then they go home. Bastards."

The Irish Workers Party indeed, now incorporated into the Labour Party, can truly count themselves lucky at the poor memory of the media classes, aided no doubt, by the influence of well-placed party-sympathisers. The Czech people had been crushed by the tanks of Soviet imperialism in 1968. Twenty years on, Czechoslovakia had fewer graduates than Nepal and had a growth rate below that of Peru. Before the Nazis had rolled over its democracy in 1938, Czechoslovakia was the third richest country in the world. By 1988, it was the 50th, and almost worse still, it had to endure these fraternal delegations from despised foreign pro-Soviet parties, most especially the Irish Workers Party, telling them how lucky they were.

Through the 1980s, Proinsias de Rossa was a consistent supporter of the Soviet Union: a search in the online archive of the 'Irish Times' (type in "de Rossa" and "Soviet") will show you what I mean. Moreover, the 'Irish Times' political correspondent, Dick Walsh, a very public sympathiser of the Workers Party, wrote approvingly in May 1983: "Indeed, if the Workers Party can be said to have taken over the role of any other organisation it is that of the Communist Party of Ireland. Where the Communist Party has failed to develop a constituency, the Workers Party has succeeded, and has won recognition from the Soviet Union for doing so."

What an honour. And with the wall gone, and with the Soviet smiles fading on their WP faces to be replaced by smiles of the EU -- the new official party loyalty -- all was soon forgotten. Men and women in an open, and relatively free, western European society, who had voluntarily sided with the last imperial oppressors in Europe, against the downtrodden and the dispossessed people of the east, stayed silent, trusting in the benign amnesia of a left-biased media to ignore their role in supporting the Soviet Empire. And by God, they were justified in their trust.

After the wall had fallen, no one challenged the Workers Party about their faithful support for a continent-wide communist dictatorship, with its vast armies of secret police, that had reached from Vladivostok to Riga.

And where laziness and cowardice might not have sufficed to ensure journalistic silence about the true history of the Workers Party, why, the old Stalinist trick of fixing the historical archive might just do.

When in the 1990s and working for the 'Irish Times' I went to write about the Workers Party, I found the party file had been removed from the library, presumably by one of the party faithful working in the newspaper. All the annual ard fheiseanna votes in support of the Soviet Union were thus gone from the record.

The wonderful search engine which today can reveal the archival truth did not then exist, and no doubt the Stalinists thought they had got away with the Big Lie.

And actually, in the shorter term, at least for the duration of their careers, they had. Historians will wonder at it, but the simple truth is that the Labour Party was, in effect, taken over by the relics of the Workers Party, and all that dreary WP reiteration of Soviet 10-year planning was forgotten. No one now remembers Eamon Gilmore forcefully demanding economic policies that rejected private enterprise in favour of state-run industries.

Twenty years ago, when tyranny and armies of secret police oppressed the peoples of eastern Europe, where stood the Irish left? And does it make them feel proud today, that in the one great example of right and wrong in European politics in their entire lifetimes, they stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the apparatchiks of the Soviet Union?

So, what precisely is the enlightened, socialist, principle which causes a "democrat" to defend foreign, autocratic regimes from demands from democrats for democracy within their own countries? Which begs this further question of course: what does this term "left-wing" actually mean?

- Kevin Myers

Irish Independent